S&G teaches a person to be a time punctual

Time was an important factor . I often got punishment for being late . So , that time i was very punctual , even i came to assembly half an hour before it started .

"-S&G teaches you about how to survive in hard conditions"

We had taught how to make tents , how to survive in harsh conditions , when nothing is with you . We had taught several types of Knots like Clove hitch , timber hitch , fisherman knot , sheet bend , bow line , fireman knot , reef knot etc . These learning of knots help us to tie things properly , by learning fireman knot we can save a person in danger etc .

There are 9 Laws of Scouts and Guides:

  • A Scout/Guide is trustworthy
  • A Scout/Guide is loyal
  • A Scout/Guide is a friend to all and a brother/sister to every other Scout/Guide.
  • A Scout/Guide is courteous
  • A Scout/Guide is a friend to animals and loves nature.
  • A Scout/Guide is disciplined and helps to protect public property.
  • A Scout/Guide is courageous.
  • A Scout/Guide is thrifty.
  • A Scout/Guide is pure in thought, word and deed.

We used to speak these laws everyday . In assembly whenever i spoke these laws , i always wanted that in future too , i will follow these laws . In S&G , our motto is “ Be prepared “. That time when the Scout master used to say that we should always remember these words , “ I felt like i am on a duty , the country needs me“ In morning when I wore that pant , that scout shirt , that beret , that belt , that rolled scarf , badges on my shoulders and chest , i felt like a proud person going on a duty .

Scout and Guide plays a role in making a character of a person

Everyday we took the promise that :

"On my honour, I promise that I will do my best To do my duty, to God and my country, To help other people and To obey the Scout/Guide Law."

It felt like taking the Oath daily to serve the nation . Scouting gives you an overall experience how to lead a life honestly with taking your every step to build your society and nation . It teaches you about surviving in any condition . Be respectful to others , be courageous , be loyal to yourself , to your nation . Joining Scout and Guides means learning several things , sharing ideas , comradeship , teamwork , leading towards glory of nation . In my personal point of view , everyone should join S&G as early as possible so that they can learn many new things which will help them in future .

There are following stages of achievements in Scouts and Guides :

  • Pravesh
  • Pratham
  • Dwitya
  • Tritya Sopan
  • Governor Award
  • President award

Benefits are the ones which you experience and can't write it but still will try to pen it down...

  • your personality changes (positively) - though a broad way to mention the change
  • you tend to be independent
  • you learn how to be a team player no matter whether you are introvert or extrovert or ambivert
  • you tend to become solution oriented
  • you tent to be a good person at heart by trying to keep surroundings clean, helping people which includes differently abled etc.
  • it's a mini military training so you tend to be physically fit
  • there are instances where you have to earn batches so it helps you to know the basics of many small things in life like the first aid, basic cooking etc

Scouts and Guides are both different experiences, but they will both expand your social life and teach you useful skills. I have attended both, but I personally found Guides less enjoyable as it mostly focused on indoor things like crafts and games, whereas Scouts is often more active and adventurous.

Scouts gives you the opportunity to learn practical skills, like surviving in the wild, canoeing, and even domestic thing like cooking and changing a fuse. The badges often involve a mix of learning knowledge, and putting it into practice - for example (in the UK) the Camp Cook badge, for which you have to learn about a healthy diet and food hygiene, then cook a meal on a fire.

You also develop better social skills, by working with people you don’t necessarily know to solve a problem or make something, or by learning to listen to the leaders and other scouts when there’s something to be said. The Scout community is a very interesting place, and as Scouting involves a lot of interacting with other people you build relationships and meet people who can really change your life.

Camping with Scouts is a great experience, and teaches you things too numerous and abstract to describe. Overall, it will probably make you a better person, or at least give you some good stories to tell. Personally, going to Scouts changed my life, gave me confidence and character and experience, taught me valuable skills and caused me to meet people who have made me who I am, for the better. It has been a wonderful part of my life, and hopefully will continue to be so, and I am so glad I went to that first meeting as a tiny, scared girl in an oversized Cub jumper. There were moments that were far from perfect, like when someone accidentally stabbed my hand, or the times I cried when I was mercilessly beaten at a game by one of the older boys, or the numerous burns I’ve received from a fire. But it was so worth it.